Monday, March 17, 2014

An opportunity for writers to ask an editor!

I'm excited about this opportunity for writers targeting Love Inspired. Pass the word!

Love Inspired Editor Emily Rodmell (& one of my favorite Tweeters--@EmilyRodmell) will guest blog on Seekerville in May to celebrate the expansion of the Love Inspired Suspense line from four to SIX books each month. Emily will talk about the expansion, but she’ll also answer questions you might have about Love Inspired Books, the three LI imprints: Love Inspired, Love Inspired Suspense, and Love Inspired Historical, the submission process, what she’s looking for in a submission, how to WOW! an editor and more.

Send the questions you’ve always wanted to ask an editor to between now and March 24. Questions will compiled and sent to Emily who will respond on May 21 in her Seekerville guest blog.  All those who send in questions will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Amazon gift card.


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